Participant Profile

Team Member of Pool 8

Dionne Wu

Make Wishes Come True!

Total Distance 49.76 km
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By Dionne Wu
raised from 12 donors
69% of $1,000.00
By Pool 8 (Team)
raised from 161 donors
142% of $12,888.00
5 Wishes – A Celebration of Life e-Badges


Gracy Khoo

donated $100.00

Dionne thank you for donating your time.
Goh Lai What

donated $50.00

Just do it!
Yvette Sng

donated $50.00

Well done Dionne!
Marie Goh

donated $50.00

All the best Dionne.
Nickie Chan

donated $50.00

Enjoy the ride!!
Mad Hatter

donated $20.00

Victor Chua

donated $100.00

Keep it up ! Jesus loves you lotsssss

donated $62.50

Woohoo! All the way!
Yvette chua

donated $100.00

Add Oil!! Sending all the love !
Nancy Chua

donated $50.00

Jia You!!
Joyce Lek

donated $50.00

Go3 Dionne!!

donated $3.75

Jia you!!

Support Dionne Wu now!

Make Wishes Come True!

Support Dionne Wu